This Is What Sundar Pichai’s Google Interview Was Like When He’d Joined In 2004
Google CEO Sundar Pichai is currently one the most important men in tech. He heads one of the world’s largest companies, rubs shoulders with global…
Google CEO Sundar Pichai is currently one the most important men in tech. He heads one of the world’s largest companies, rubs shoulders with global…
Flipkart is India’s most valued startup, and it employs some top notch people. And it makes sure that they’re well compensated. Documents provided…
Elon Musk today is on the verge of revolutionizing the car industry. His startup, Tesla, is the biggest electric car company in the…
I’m laid flat on my back on the fake wood floor in the middle of our office staring up at the disgusting ceiling…
Every year millions of corporate employees wait for that email from HR – The India office holiday list for the year! To make…
2016 was already a strange enough year, but now it’s become stranger still – Flipkart is now complaining that Amazon India is copying…
In the world of MBAs and Internet entrepreneurs, IAS is still the most coveted and respected white collar job for people who want to be a part of the greater good. Our web world is filled with tutorials and tips on IAS exam preparation, syllabus and strategy building. Needless to say, that brings us to wonder about the salary and perks an IAS officer gets. So here we’ve tried to come up with a list of the IAS officer salary based on their grades and pay scales, as per the 7th Pay Commission report.
Retail sector in India has two sections. There’s organized retail sector and unorganized retail sector. As one would expect, in a third world economy, the unorganized section holds the larger share of retail market. However, here we have tried to list down top retail chains in India and their prime banners.
When dolts like us wait for appraisals to get industry standard raise, the Members of Parliament can soon receive a 100 percent raise. The Prime Minister’s Office seems to have agreed to restructure the Indian MP salary, including a recommendation of 75 percent rise in pensions. Here’s the details of an Indian MP salary and other allowances.