How Virtual Payment Platforms Are Supporting Global Economies

The world is going local. You could be sitting in the remotest parts of the world, while working for a company located on the other side of the globe. The internet and allied technologies have well and truly enabled even the smallest of entrepreneurs and professionals go global. Using global services like AirBnB, Uber and Etsy are possible today and collaboration across continents, countries and cities has never been this smooth.

Co-Workers: Five Personalities You’ll Encounter In Any Workplace

An office is a crazy place, isn’t it!? It’s not absurd to think that by throwing a bunch personalities together, problems will arise. That said, we do our best at tolerating our co-workers when they’re particularly difficult to deal with. Sure, we’re good friends with some of them, but the others grind our gears on a daily basis! Let’s have a look at a few examples of personalities you’ll find in the workplace.

Riots Break Out In Bangalore Over New Provident Fund Withdrawal Rule

The government in the budget for financial year 2016-17 had announced a new rule around provident funds according to which an employee cannot withdraw their provident fund amount before turning 58. The decision hadn’t gone down well with the majority of employees. While most of the detractors had lashed out on social media against the decision, the protests took an ugly and violent turn in Bengaluru today. Thousands of garment factory workers and others launched angry riots in parts of the city protesting against the government ruling.

Things Every Bangalorean Needs To Do Right Now To Save The City

Everyone is a part of contributing to the legend that Bangalore is, as much as the mess it’s come to be. And so the onus of helping this once glorious city restore its rightful title also rests with us. Yes even us urban professionals with a 9 to 5 jobs because the bad news is there are no invisible elves that will fix the city for us. The government isn’t efficient enough to turn this city around overnight. The responsibility of cleaning up after us doesn’t lie with some anonymous good hearted volunteers from NGOs.

The good news is, if all of us did our bits, however little, we should see change. Good news is people are doing it. So, here’s a simple list of things, all of us, can within our capacity help.