PepperTap Shuts Down Operations In 6 Cities, Lays Off 400
After Grofers had pulled out of out 9 cities, and Zomato had suspended operations in 4, PepperTap has now shut down operations in 6 cities. The company shall no longer operate in Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Jaipur.
Top 20 Jokes Only Web Developers Will Understand And Appreciate
Move over knock knock. For the web developer jokes are coming! As told by Jeremy Stewart and a few other web developers themselves.
How To Deal With That Boss From Hell
The most common cause for hating your workplace happens to be struggling with a “bad boss” or a hopelessly toxic work environment. A…
8tracks, An 8-year Old US Startup, Looks To Raise Investments In An Unusual Way
8tracks is San Francisco based startup that runs an online radio service that allows people to create and listen to playlists. The CEO David Porter is now looking to raise additional investments. In the first week of Feb, the 8million plus subscribers of the 8tracks newsletter received an interesting email from him.
Paytm To Hire 3000 In Its Payment Bank Arm
Paytm, the largest mobile payments platform is now in full steam to build and boost the payment bank operations.
The company is planning to recruit 3000 employees across departments. Also, a hunt for a CEO to lead the payments bank arm is on.
E-commerce Startup Moglix Gets Funding From Ratan Tata
E-commerce startup Moglix has announced investment from eminent industrialist Ratan Tata in its venture. The amount has not been disclosed. The NOIDA-based Moglix deals with B2B procurement and supply of industrial products such as power tools, hand tools, adhesives and electrical equipment across several countries.
Facebook’s Free Basics Attempt Foiled; TRAI Rules In Favour Of Net Neutrality
India’s telecom regulatory body TRAI today issued the ‘Prohibition of Discriminatory Tariffs for Data Services Regulations, 2016’ that bars service providers from offerring or charging discriminatory tariffs for data services on the basis of content.
Inshorts: How A Facebook Page Became A 600 Crore Company
It was an ordinary Facebook page, created hopefully like the many thousand others that are created each day on the world’s biggest social network. It didn’t exactly aim to change the world. Its aims were relatively modest – it aimed to provide news updates in 60 words or less.
Three years later, that Facebook page has metamorphosed into a Rs. 600 crore company.
Facebook Says 6 Degrees Of Separation Now Down To 3.5
We always knew that technology was bringing the world together, and now the good folks at Facebook have math to back that up. In a study that the company described as a “monumental task”, Facebook has concluded that the degrees of separation between humans is around 3.57, as opposed to the 6 that has been codified in the popular pharse.