Dhiraj Rajaram Sued For Misleading An Early Investor

Mu Sigma CEO Dhiraj Rajaram has been sued in the US for misleading an early investor about the prospects of the company. Patrick G. Ryan, who at one point held 17.5% of shares in Mu Sigma, claims that Rajaram cheated him of millions of dollars by downplaying Mu Sigma’s growth prospects, which caused him to sell back his stake for an amount much less than they were worth.

I Tried A Bike Taxi Today And Learnt Some Incredible Things

When Uber and Ola launched their Bike Taxis in Bangalore within hours of each other, I decided to try it out for myself. I have ridden pillion for hundreds of miles through the treacherous terrains of Ladakh, how bad could a few kilometers in a metro city be? So, I tried a bike taxi for the first time in India, and it was full of precious insights and a sweet banter with my driver Mohun.