Uber Partners With Mumbai Police To Curb Drunk Driving

reducing drunk driving deaths – after a long night out, people these days prefer being driven home via Uber instead of taking to the road themselves, and save themselves some nasty road crashes in the process.

Uber’s now trying to proactively bring down drunk driving level in India too. It’s partnered with the Mumbai police by installing “Uber Breathalysers” at bars and clubs across the city.

How To Make Being Your Own Boss Work For You

Being your own boss comes with all kinds of perks. You get to set your own price, work from wherever you want and control your work schedule entirely. However, it’s also a lot of responsibility to take on. You’re in charge of personal and business finances. You might find it difficult to work from home without distraction. Perhaps your work life bleeds into your personal time too much. Whatever your woes, these tips should help make being your own boss a much better experience.

8 Important Budget Announcements About Income Tax Every Professional Should Know

The union budget has been declared and and the average individual must be wondering how things are going to change for them in the financial year 2016-17. Over 180 announcements were made which would make it somewhat difficult to keep track of the really relevant ones. Hence, we analyzed the budget for 2016 and summarized the relevant announcements. The 8 announcements listed below are the most noteworthy topics of the budget that you should be aware of.