Unisys Expands India Presence With A New Office In Bangalore
Unisys Corporation, a US based IT company, has expanded its presence in India by opening a new office in Bengaluru, at the RGA…
Nokia Phones Will Be Back In India, But Will They Connect?
Nokia, the former market leader in the Indian mobile phone market, is attempting a formidable comeback. It is hitting the Indian market with…
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos Is Asking The General Public To Send Him Ideas For His Charity Initiatives
It must be nice to be so rich as to have to ask the public for help when you want to spend your…
Developers Who Use Spaces Make More Money Than Those Who Use Tabs
One of the most widespread disagreements in computer science might not be as as inconsequential as it would appear. Developers who use spaces to indent…
Elon Musk Says Tesla Is In Talks With The Indian Government To Quickly Get Its Cars To India
Elon Musk appears to be just as keen to bring Tesla to India as his many Indian fans. Musk has said that Tesla is…
TCS Manager Shares Confidential Client Data On Github, Security Researcher Calls It “Stupidity On Massive Scale”
There’s been a spate of hacking scandals in recent months, and digital institutions have been on high alert. Employees handling critical data have been…
Uber Board Member Makes Sexist Remark During Meeting To Address Sexism, Resigns After Outrage
You can’t make this stuff up. Last night, Uber had called a company-wide townhall to release the results of the Holder committee, which…
Uber CEO Travis Kalanick Takes Indefinite Leave Of Absence
Uber’s never-ending stream of scandals have claimed their biggest victim yet. Uber CEO Travis Kalanick has announced he’s going on an indefinite leave of…
This Is What A Click Farm Looks Like
If you thought companies offering fake Facebook likes were being run by some college kids on their laptops, think again. A raid in Northern Thailand…